dinner at
Crystal Jade Golden Palace 翡翠金閣
Use of top grade and freshness of ingredients, stick to the preparation a Cantonese dish should be, and taste of authentic are appropriate terms to describe the Crystal Jade Golden Palace Restaurant.
The interior of the restaurant is on the contemporary side, smart and elegant. The restaurant was divided by a wine cellar wall into two dining section. One section with 6-12 persons tables attached to a big fish tank with live seafood order-to-cook while the other section with 2-4 persons small tables attached to a stairway to the mezzanine private rooms.
Although we had the Peking duck, the lure of scrumptious roasted food in Crystal Jade tempted us for a portion of Roasted Duck together with a portion of Suckling Pig. Both were roasted follow to strict Hong Kong recipes and came out so crispy in skin as well as so moist in meat, yummy! In Bangkok many eateries claimed themselves are roasted duck specialists but I found out fewer of them do the duck right, they only use the sauce to enhance the taste but fundamentally the duck was not that well prepared.
Dishes to go with jasmine rice we ordered the Stir-fried String Bean in Mild Garlic Sauce, Braised Bean Curd with Seafood in a Clay Pot, Baked Frog Leg Gluten in a Clay Pot, Steamed Minced Pork with Preserved Salty Egg, and Steamed Chicken with Cloud Ears (black fungus).

A feast without a steam fish wasn't a feast, so we took the Steamed Coral Trout in Warm Soy Sauce, the steam fish in Crystal Jade has always lived up to my expectation.
Before our dinner concluded we had the Amaranth with Silver and Golden Eggs to clean our taste buds for the desserts. The 'silver eggs' were preserved salty duck eggs while the 'golden eggs' were actually preserved duck eggs wrapped in mud and ash mixed coating. Amaranth soaked in a broth with fried garlic and cooked silver and golden eggs.
Our desserts, the Mango Pudding and Double Boiled Hashima in Whole Grilled Coconut were never better choices to wrap up our delightful dinner.
Crystal Jade is my most favorite non-hotel Chinese restaurant in Bangkok.
Our Ratings (1 to 5 the higher the better): C J dinner has [4.1]
(Ratings are based on Food, Service and Ambience, with Price taken into account in relation to Quality) Food =4.5, Service=4.5, Ambience=3.5, Money Worth=4
Price range for two without drinks (incl. local water) in Thai Baht = BBBB
(B=below 200, BB=201-500, BBB=501-1,000, BBBB=1,001-2,000, BBBBB=over 2,000)
Details: Open daily Lunch: 11:30am – 2:30pm, Dinner: 6-10pm
Crystal Jade Golden Palace, G/F, Siam Paragon Mall, Rama 1 Road, Prathumwan, Bangkok. Tel.:02.129.4343
* (Update 2008-10-03: Crystal Jade Chinese Restaurant had been renamed to Crystal Jade Golden Palace Restaurant)
Wow this is interesting. I think it is either Japanese or Chinese dish(as I see the sou sauce there).
I think it should be some kind of sugar coating on the outside. As it's not clear to see the inside. I think it should be something sweet inside.
This is fun. I think it might be oyster or scallop inside.
hahaha, good guess, Japanese or Chinese dish, correct
but not something sweet
and not oyster or scallop, but close
use ur imagination, what is it?
ok, with a hammer next to it, it should be something quite hard on the outside. Then the table setting is very Japanese. It could be sea urchin.
Sea Urchin - shouldn't be because the needles are so difficult to deal with. Taking Sea Urchin doesn't need a hammer. The hammer is not that heavy duty; so I think the food inside is not that hard to break. It may be like an egg.
sea urchin? not really, but in someway they have a little bit relationship
egg? nope
where is Stella? Fillet-O? and Yai? i take the break, or they do instead!
I am here.
The outside ball shape thing looks ice shield to me, and inside may be ... may be ... may be some drunken crab?
Hey Thailand Club, I am here everyday. I just don't want to reveal myself during your day off.
OK, I guess this is kind of Japanese food that needs a hammer to break. But it is not sea urchin or egg. And this is something I have not eaten before.
I think this is uni or something related. The hammer is just to break this bubble cover.
Ok, something extremely exotic - monkey's brain! haha.
crab leg
haha... Monkey's brain in Japanese cuisine. Then it must be with wasabi. As it's close to oyster and scallop, it may be a kind of shell fish, but the hammer is not professional enough to me to break something hard.
ok uni is sea urchin in Japanese, so Piggy u r wrong
one hint: the outter shield was made of ice, so it is an ice dome
therefore, fillet-o is half correct, just not the drunken crab
2 more days for u guys to take a guess, whoever take the right guess will be treated this dish in bangkok (if u come) by khun mike
OK, it is I guess it is drunken shrimp, or ice shrimp, or ice shrimp/crab eggs.
I see the orange color inside.
OK. I guess it is frozen moon cake with egg yolk.
The moon cake with egg yolk was from Piggy.
He tried to get a free meal at BKK.
Question: Did I eat this before? Did I know this food before?
Chris said live oyster inside the air-con dome.
Since this looks like a baby from ultrasound, I guess this is baby fish(fish egg) inside the dome.
Har, eating ice moon cake with a hammer? is it a salty snack or a dessert, or seafood?
oops, sorry, not moon cake, neither oyster, baby fish, BUT, it is from the ocean
this is a simple dish, most of u have eaten this one before, just not in the iced dome
stella, guess one at a time, no multiple guess pls
haha, air-con dome - what a term and creative too. Mmh... something from the sea and for sure we have tried before, but now served in ice, and with a hammer. Does it really need a hammer to do something before eating or the hammer is just for decoration?
the hammer was for me to crash the ice, so i can eat the food inside
Something from the ocean lives in an air-con dome, must be, WHALE. So was this a whale sashimi?
I know. It is abalone.
I guess it is lobster salad.
Please don't tell us the answer yet.
If we still don't get it by tomorrow, I will bring a seafood dictionary home and guess word by word.
Are you sure I know this food?
I guess this is clam in air-con room.
Whale sashimi? So cruel! My guess is a Fillet-O-Fish? :)
How about sea cucumber with orange color treatment?
There are not so many seafood in orange color after cooked. So if not shrimp, crab or lobster then what else? Are you sure this is common food to us Mr. Thai?
one question - do you need to break that cover with the hammer? After that, you can eat that food or the hammer is to break the food after you take out the cover?
Stella, it was not abalone
Piggy, it was not lobster salad, not clam neither
Fillet-o, u r funny, fillet-o-fish? of course not
anonymous 12:19, sorry not cucumber higtlighted in orange color
anonymous 12:23, for me it is a very common dish/seafood, it is very popular in Los Angeles
anonymous 3:27 the hammer was for us to break the ice dome, not to break the food (after we broke the ice dome, eat it with ur chopsticks)
hurry, i have a dish of (what is it?) to treat you if ur guess is correct, now 1 1/2 days to go
u will c the inside of the air-con dome on PST time Sat 12:00
read the pervious attempt, someone was quite close to the answer
gather all the answer i said it was right, like it is a Japanese dish, it is from the sea ...
don't concentrate on the air-con dome (as u already knew it was an ice dome) covering the food, try the stuff inside, for sure it is not a hot dish, otherwise covered in an ice dome was crazy, so it is something eat chilled
not only the first one got this answer right has my prize, everyone answer it right before PST time Sat 12:00 (that's is LA time) get that too, but all of you must redeem the gift (a dish of 'what is it?' in the ice dome) in person before x'mas in Bangkok
try it again :)
har.. popular in Los Angeles. Orange color seafood and eaten chilled and someone got quite close to the answer... I was thinking if it should be the crab's orange stuff - don't know the exact English term (蟹膏). However, this thing seems not to be popular in LA. Then I was thinking that clam in orange color - forgot the exact Japanese term (some term like 赤貝).
the orange crab stuff, u mean crab roe! but not correct
then the orange color clam (akagai)! nope
pls pls try harder
u still hv 2 days
This is really fun. I think I got it. This shall be: "sashimi salmon" in air-con dome.
This guess is from both Stella and Piggy.
I have been going to Japanese Restaurant for lunch for a few days because of this guess. And I paid attention to all orange stuffs. This must(salmon related) be it.
I guess this is North Pole Clam.
oop.. i took it back. It's not shrimp because the color doesn't look like. I still think it's something quite similar to sea urchin because of the color.... mmmh.. The texture looks creamy and paste-like. In my last guess, I didn't mean it's crab roe. It's the fat inside the crab, very high cholesterol and shrimp and lobster have that creamy yellow fat.
I think In-the-Sea meant "Hi Goal"-crab's cholesterol under the shell. The same orange color ingredient to make Xiao Long Bao. This makes sense. Humm, I want to guess the same too. Either "Hi Goal" or "Har Goal".
Yes, Stella, you know what I referred to. I looked at the chain of the past guess and hints, and conclude the notes "not oyster or scallop, but close", "sea urchin? not really, but in someway they have a little bit relationship", "Fillet-o is half correct, just not the drunken crab", "this is a simple dish, most of u have eaten this one before, just not in the iced dome", "for me it is a very common dish/seafood, it is very popular in Los Angeles.", "the hammer was for us to break the ice dome, not to break the food (after we broke the ice dome, eat it with ur chopsticks)", "for sure it is not a hot dish, otherwise covered in an ice dome was crazy, so it is something eat chilled"
So a LA popular common seafood (close to oyster, scallop and half related to crab or drunken) and eat in chilled with chopsticks. Stella, what do you think from these concluded points, as I am not sure what is common seafood in LA right now or 15-20 years ago?
Hi Sea,
Common seafood in LA is salmon, North Pole Clam, shrimp and crab. The choices are limited.
So I still stick to my salmon sashimi or "Hi Goal" in air-con dome.
I hope we both get it right so we can have a free meal from Mr. Thai next time.
I think someone must have gotten the right answer already. As Mr. Thai kept quiet today. He did not say we are wrong for one day. Ha ha ha.
Stella, but Salmon isn't related to crab or oyster or scallop as on the hints by Thailand Club. I think it's not a fish. Should be a shell fish or crab-like thing.
Well, he will find a way to amuse us. Wait and see. :)
Hi Friends,
Mr. Thailand Club just informed he could not go to this web for the past 2 days. So hang on when he is fixing the computer.
We have more chances to guess.
Hi In-the-Sea,
I will come back later(after my nap). Good night.
Yes, he also told me just - something wrong with his browser. Be patient.
Hi I am up again.
I was thinking what other common seafood LA has as compared to Thailand. I think it is the Alaska King Crab and also the Geoduck Big Clam. However, the Alsaka King Crab will not fit in the doom and the Geoduck is not orange color.
I am scartching my head now.
something wrong with my isp, so i hv to use a public computer in an interent cafe now, thanks Thailand has more internet cafe than 7-11
i cannot post another pic here, it shall be the answer, i will do it as soon as i am back to my own pc
just tell u, one of you got the answer 95% correct already
i will c in 1 or 2 days my internet line will back to normal or not
stay tune
Har.. 95% correct. That means the winner pays 5% of that dish - haha?
Hi Thais Club,
I was going to tell you to to go to internet cafe. Good that you think of that.
Is the 95% winner me? Must be. I went to 99 Ranch Market tonight and looked at all the seafood there. The only orange seafood possible is salmon, cooked shrimp, cooked crab meat, imitation crab meat, or the "Hi Goal".
Stella, you deserve to win because you went to the seafood for comparison. It's just more orange for the 2nd photo. OK, I will check it myself tomorrow..hehe.
check it yourself? no plan to bring u to this restaurant bor!
Yes Mr. Thai, I did go to check all the seafood in the 99 Ranch Market yesterday(Sunday)to see what else is orange.
Besides all those I mentioned already, I also found the shrimp ball and cooked fich roe is orange. But that is about it.
I don't really know what other common orange color seafood that LA has.
Oh, by the way, your 2nd picture turned a bit red(like the tuna red)inside the melting doom in my computer.
OK, I will wait faithfully for the answer. Don't spend too much time at internet cafe when your computer is broke. I will try not to email you these few days until you fix the computer.(That is why I only replied your email with a simple "ok" to cut it short.)
Hi Thaisclub,
I forgot one more seafood is also orange color. Da da da da: here we go,
it is the mussel.
I must be right this time, if not earlier.
Hey, did you mean you don't plan to bring me to eat this food at this restaurant after all my hard thinking har??
Stella, and Piggy
congratulation Stella and Piggy, u got the answer right
Hurray. We got it right.
In fact, I just said all the seafood in orange color. And when you said it is common in LA, then salmon fits, and also it is orange. I do the guess by elimination. This is the strategy I told Chris to use for any test when he does not really know the answer.
Actually I argued with Thailand Club last night when he said it's salmon, as one of the hints by Fillet-o-fish saying"drunken crab" and he replied "half correct". Then I would imagine it's either drunken or crab-related. Then I queried his hint on "close to Oyster and Scallop", I got the reply "seafood related". I think the guess of mine is into too much details. Yet, it just made me puzzle when it's popular in LA. I just think of Salmon and Shrimp, but how can it be related to Oyster or crab? Besides, the first photo was in a another color tune. So "return water... Thailand Club", haha. Anyway, Stella deserved the prize as she went to the market for a thourough check up.
hahaha, sometimes hint cannot be too straight forward la
the drunken crab, scallop and oyster are seafood, so i answered close/half correct
so this is the fun of making guess
:) forgive me in-the-sea
btw, Stella, u r only 95% right, because after u placed ur answer (salmon), u also guess it was crab roe
that's mean u r not sure of ur answer and u just guess anything with orange, ur answer hit one by chance
next time pls don't make multiply guess, pls stick to one
so this time u r only 95% correct
I think the last answer is the final one. So her answer should be the musell. Not correct.
c Stella, since u don't stick to one answer, now there is a complain on ur winner status
next time, pls answer only one at a time, and stick to the answer u believe
if u answer every seafood in one time, of course u will hit one, and that is not a guess
so i accept the anonymous 2:41 complain, Stella last answer was mussel, so Stella didn't get it right
but Piggy also guess salmon sashimi and he didn't change his answer, so Piggy solely got the prize delivery to ur mouth via any Japanese restaurant in LA, hehe :)
Sorry Stella, I have to agree with what Thailand Club and Anonymous 2:41pm. The last answer should be your answer. But there will be more games later on. Watch out!
Hey hey hey,
Hello, can anyone show me where did it mention we can only guess once?? Or only the last answer counts?? Where was this mentioned???
I like the way Mr. Thai gave the hint. He hinted not too straight forward. For example, if he told us this seafood is popular in Vancouver, then veryone would get it right easily and then no fun. Instead he only said this seafood is popular in LA so as to make the guess harder. This is fun. Mr. Thai is really good at making suspense. Good job.
Ok, I want more of this fun game(since I did not get a free meal from this one) as you guys are very "Lai Pai".
Sea, I like to play this in your blog too. I am good at guessing(provided I can have multiple answers).
By the way, I don't agree with only one answer allowed,that is boring and defeat the purpose of the guessing fun. I like to do the "one net hit all" type of guess.
Since you buys voted me out of a free meal from Thai, you people have to treat me a free meal to make up.:)
yes, very soon in-the-sea blog will open a new guess for everyone
but, one guess at a time, it is a natural rule, and also i did mention (pls read my previous comment) it to Stella one guess at a time, multiple guess is not fair and no fun
one at a time guess is fun!
Har... you need to go to Vegas for multiple guess...
I am sure this restaurant offer more than just salmon sashimi in an ice dome. Waiting for your full review and more photos.
the reason i post this guess-what-inside was due to my absence from the blog last week, in order to let my fans enjoy reading, i put a guessing game here (last week)
this review actually has nothing to do with the salmon sashimi, instead, it is about Chinese Cantonese cuisine
it is Crystal Jade Restaurant
Why change photo? I remember it's the orange thing inside a cover.
as told at 8:25
The Peking duck looks very tempting, will try.
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