summer promotion menu 2008
Lord Jims @ the Mandarin Oriental Hotel

4-course set dinner including coffee or tea dug us only Baht 2,000 net ($59) per person and a complimentary bottle of wine when two sets were ordered. In the line with the Oriental kind of service and standard. It was a steal from Lord Jims.
* Summer promotion menu did return in 2009! I wish the summer promotion menu may return again in 2010! (updated 2009-10-05)
Our Ratings (1 to 5 the higher the better): LJ summer menu has [4.9]
(Ratings are based on Food, Service and Ambiance, with Price taken into account relation to quality) Food=4.5, Servie=5, Ambiance=5, Money Worth=5
Price range for two without drinks (incl. local water) in Thai Baht = BBBBB
(B=below 200, BB=201-500, BBB=501-1,000, BBBB=1,001-2,000, BBBBB=over 2,000)
Best dishes: summer menu - crayfish
Wine list: extensive selection of wine
Best Table: riverside table
Details: Open daily - Lunch 12-2:30pm (Sunday 11:30am-3pm), Dinner 6-10:30pm
Lord Jims, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, 48 Oriental Avenue (Charoenkrung Soi 40), Bangrak, Bangkok 10500; Tel.: 02.659.9000
Lord Jims
Lord Jims
I think all the possible answers you listed are not the real answer, otherwsie you will not list them there.
So my guess is, you went there to collect copyright fees from a client. Am I smart?
Fish Burger,
You are smart.
I need more hints.
1)Can you tell me if this is business related or leisure related?
2)Is this trip for you or for Sea?
3)Give me 5 choices to pick one.
fillet-o, u read my mind har!
but sorry, ur guess was wrong, but good try
Stella, sorry, hints shall be control by the game master, i will give out hint when the time is appropriate, also one at a time; meanwhile, pls stick to the hint already given in the article; everything one at a time pls
So do u want me to give you the hint 1) or hint 2) first? for the meantime hint 3)is asking too much, sorry i cannot entertain this request
I think the blogger went with By-the-Sea for business.
From Dick
I think the two of you went to see property(either to buy or to rent.
From Piggy.
From the blogger's hint and Fillet-O's guess, it seems to me that they went to sign contract.
Hi Dear,
Can you confirm if the first part of Fish Burger's guess was right or wrong?(I know his 2nd guess was wrong.)
thank u for the guess
Dick, good try but u hv to try harder.
Piggy, sorry, not going to buy or to rent a property.
Cindy, welcome to the guess. Pls try another guess.
Stella, fillet-o first paragraph was not a guess, just his thought, so i don't comment his thought was true or false; and where is ur guess (u suppose to guess, not spying on hints, hahaha, smart girl!)
now my HINT - today Dick, Piggy, and Cindy guesses fall into the same category, a little FORMAL, which is not correct! Pls try again, little harder ...
Har... collect money. I don't take cash for my busines. I normally ask people to wire the money into my company's account so that it can be recorded and traced.
I am also quite surprised we were already in Bangna and could see Bangna Central (there is a water park built on top of this Central complex).
Stella you do have some kung fu - one net taking all.
oops i think in-the-sea already loose some extra hint to you guys
By the way, for those English speaking people, catching "yellow feet chicken" would mean finding any adultery.
Now waiting at the CX lounge at SUV - flight delay.... No time no meet.
Haha... then what hint have I given? Only Thailand Club and I know. Read every single word and try to see it from the CSI way. I need to forward this guess to my Taiwan friend who is a big fan to CSI series.
I am a CSI fan also.
I agree with fillet-o, if it was just business meeting, property viewing or eating, Thaisclub may not let us do the simple guess. So shall be something a bit not so common.
You went to Bangna area, that's far from the city. So I suppose you serve a good purpose for this.
Look at the building (and 15 years old from your information) I don't think you went there for spa and food. I will be surprised if you took an hour using 2 transportation mode for some food in this old building.
This building look like an apartment or cheap hotel to me, in a Bangkok remote area. So you probably go there to visit a friend lives there.
My guess is, you introduce a girlfriend to in-the-sea, so you visit this apartment in Bangna to meet the lady? (As a gentleman, you don't ask the girl to visit you in the hotel right!)
impressive Anonymous 5:02, good analysis
Stella, this is how the game work, guess by logic and it is fun, not bomb all possible answers in one comment and not ask for obvious hints; hint shall be subtle (that is why it is called hint), u shall read the article carefully to find the hint yourself and make a logical guess by analyzing the text. waiting for ur guess!
Hehe... i can't comment anymore. The more I speak, the more you will get it. Anyway, analysis what I wrote before. Something in between the lines...., like "白日依山盡,黃河入海流,欲窮千里目,更上一層樓". You can mix and match the word like those so-called prophets always hitting the horse back, by crossing the words in line or in the beginning or end. :) OK, translation of this beautiful poet "The Sun lies to the Mountain's edge, Yellow River runs into the Sea, Eager to view for a thousand miles away, Then walk up on one more floor".
I think the building is just a smog for our guess. We shouldn't concentrate on the building itself. Look at the sky and as In The Sea is also In the Sky. And he said he was happy to see a cockpit of a plane. That means he wanted to be a pilot. Bangna is close to the airport; so maybe it's related to flying. Ok, I guess they were playing remote airplane.
I'm a friend of In the Sea; so I will go with him if my guess is right.
oh my God, what a creative guess, i like this, i like anonymous 12:10 take his/her guess w/ logic, although u didn't get it right, but real good try
pls try again, u still hv 2 more chance
oh, btw, in-the-sea, u given too much hint
pls watch at the corner
anonymous 5:02, btw not correct although i really enjoy ur CSI trend
pls try harder
I also feel the picture is a smog. So I concentrate on his intro, activity and hints, esp. hint given by in the sea's Chinese poet. I guess there is quite high possibilty that the blogger and his friend go to this building to take some panorama photo shooting. Take some photos of the new Bangkok Airport.
Maybe you did nothing there, just passing through?
Count me in. I think they went there to visit a master hair stylist to do the blogger's hair. Right, there is home kitchen, so why not private hair stylist.
I am mixing and matching the words of that poet. I think it's a smog too. These guys are good at making things up. The more they hint, the more we will get confused. So we should concentrate on the photo itself. I need more time to reply.
What does "CSI" stand for?
I don't think they go there to introduce a girl to Sea. If I were that girl, I don't want some guys to know where I live.
I think they are going there to visit another friend and pick him up to go somewhere, then they take some nice pictures of the airplane and the airport, then go to eat some good food. If you want to complain I make 3 guesses here, these 3 guesses was for Friday,Saturday and today so only one guess a day. I am observing the rule.
Since we do not know CSI and we do not know where is Bangna, we should have more bonus hints.
How about you give ten choices and we pick one out of ten. It is more fun this way.
For those who don't personally know Sea, Thaisclub and also Bangkok, Bangna much, it is hard to guess.
By the way, what is the prize by the way? Don't tell me the prize is you will bring me to this buidling.
Is this trip related to Sea or Thai's work? What job is Sea into?(I know Mr. Thai is in tour business). It seems Sea is a FBI or double agent.
I agree with Stella's comment. For those remote readers out of Asia and we don't know Sea and Mr. Club, we are allowed for more hints, or else we pick one out of ten choices.
Gang member of Stella
OK, I know In the Sea quite much. I don't think he went there for a girl friend. Correct if for a girl, impossible for her to let someone know where she lives. I know the airport is close to Bangng but still some distance, maybe 10-20km away. If watching airport, they should go near. In the Sea said he watched Bangna Central Water Park. He likes sun and beach. I think they went there for swimming. That must be a water park behind this building. So my guess is "going to water park".
Stella, CSI stands for "Crime Scene Investigation" and it's a popular TV series in HK. I think they should be popular in USA. They have CSI Miami or CSI New York...etc. The guys in the CSI are very clever and check things so small. Always calculate the gun angle and the blood mark. But I think they are fooling us around. So we don't need to look at what they wrote.
In the Sea is not a FBI or agent. I would let him to say his business. I hope he can work cooking business. But he has many interests. He had a flight simulator game at home and a DJ mixing machine. A pilot or a disco DJ. Interesting guy. He mixed some non-stop dance music and gave me his mixing MD before. Very nice mixing, but now he didn't mix. I thnk he can go to disco for a job. So after a while, my guess is go there for mixing music. There must be a music room.
i really 'impressed' that people (particular Stella) lives in the North America for over 30 years watch only Jade Channel from HK (in LA u hv to pay), but don't even know the top 3 TV series in her country, CSI
oh my God!
btw, i hv to say,
William, nope. We did take some pictures that day, but the purpose was not go to take pictures of the new Bangkok Airport.
fillet-o, no, we didn't just pass by the building, we did something inside (btw, u hv 1 guess left as, everyone limited to 3 guesses)
yai, logic guess, but sorry
Tim, we didn't go to a water park that day (in-the-sea hotel has a roof top swimming pool) and there is no water park behind this building; instead, it has something extraordinary in this building! (wow, big hints)
Man, good try, but not visiting a recording studio (in-the-sea has his own digital studio at home)
More hints:
1) Those say the picture is a smog is solely ur own thought. I confirm to u, do concentrate on the picture, look at the picture carefully, u will find a cue.
2) If u not complicate my intro and hint, the answer is at ur mouth.
3) Answer already in my article and also in the comment. (wow, this is big hint)
4) No need multiple choice, u don't hv to know Bangkok well to take a guess (for this one). If this building is sited in London, Beijing, or even Pasadena, goes to the same benefit. Read my article (intro of this guess in my blog page) and those comments, trust me, enough cue to take a guess. Pls use logic.
well, only for one day there have been so many interesting guess but I like those guess as they are creative and do check somethings in more details. Sorry for our image for making you feel that we make up something for fooling around. Yes, the answer is in the photo itself, and honestly speaking also from what I wrote. Yes, in a CSI way you will find many big clues...
Stella, it doesn't matter whether it's HK or Pasadena or even South Pole. By the way, you don't know CSI? It's very popular in the States. I think I should live in the States as I don't know much about the HK TV series. I really enjoy those NGC, Discover Channel and even when I was there I really enjoy the Weather channel about how the jet stream coming in the CA coast, the pollen index...etc. It's so fun.
Man, thanks for the tips but like I told you, I don't like working in a disco, but rather that will be in my dream restaurant. I will definitely come to a question of time - who to cook, and who to DJ if I want to do these? :)
Stella, the rule is one guess each in one comment, not one guess each in one day
u can take all 3 guesses (limited to 3 guesses in this game) all in one day, but separate the 3 guesses in 3 comments
sorry don't cry
u can go back to my article and read the comments (carefully), take a new guess by logic
(btw, i know u would say i am lai-pai, but rule shall be rule and this time i sound it loud in advance hehe, if i don't stand on the rule, other people who placing a honest guess here may say in am not fair)
If look at the photo, there is the word "Executive Residence" and "the Garden" on the building. I think "the Garden" may mean something, and it sounds like a place of many flowers. So my guess is "going to this Garden for taking photo of flowers", because they like to take photos.
Bingo, the blogger went there to buy plants/flower.
OK, I think you went there for eating at a Private Kitchen. As this blog is about eating, and more eating.
Thank you for telling me what is "CSI". I like to watch this kind of TV series. I like all detective related stories and games.
OK. You went there to buy something(such as fake LV, fake Rolex, or brand name clothings).
I agree that we do need more obvious hints in order to guess right.
Girls need lots of hints.
Girls are not that logical.
Girls like to guess right easily.
Girls like to "Lai Pai" and "Fa Lan Jar".
Stella I don't mean you. This applies to most of the girls I know of.
hahaha 12:34 u r so cute, don't fa lan jar, ok next time i will open a new game only of ladies, and at that time i will provide tons of hints :)
Man, i am impressed ur CSI attitude when playing the guessing game, u r detail, u even can read that some small unclear words in the picture - the Garden and Executives Residence; even u didn't win the prize, but i am sure in-the-sky will still bring u to this Bangkok best kept secret - the Garden
yes, in-the-sea was puzzled when i brought him to this an-hour-far old building with a pretty run down lobby with bad smell carpet, however, when we reach 6th floor the left opened, he wow
fillet-O, sorry (and u already try 3 guesses)
Mi, ur guess is logic, good try; but Stella and all in-the-sky friends would disagree ur guess - buying fake brand name goods - immediately, because all ur friends know we respect copyright (since ur business is related to copyright)
Stella, my biggest hint to u in previous comments were, one guess one time/comment and stick to ur believe (don't swing left to right and back) and don't spy on hints, use some logic to make a guess, those hints (and enough hints) r always there
the biggest hints r really in the picture (there is nothing to do with location, or whether u have been there or not) and in the blog
Man discover the name Garden in an Executive Residence, but he didn't notice the big tree on the roof; look at the picture carefully, the roof top r full of big plants, it is usually esp. in an old and cheap apartment! where u see old apartments plant trees on the roof? so this roof top must accommodate some action, such as a garden or a garden restaurant
Stella already made the right guess previously, but she didn't follow the rule so i couldn't say she got it; then she try again, this time she follow the rule, she only guess once in the comment, even make her guess with a little logic; yes, we like to eat, and this blog is about eating - Stella, u r smart, just don't cut corner and don't be naughty
Congratulation! Stella r entitled to be brought to the Garden, the roof top garden restaurant to sample the city's best kept secret food (on ur own account however hehe)
review will appear in in-the-sky blog soon
Wow, Stella, hurray! See - the answer is simple. Thailand Club did give a big hint as he said "the answer is at your mouth". You are smart - this blog is about gourmet. No point to introduce other activities, unlike mine I would just tell anything - no limit. Also, my first hint "surprised we were already in Bangna and could see Bangna Centra". CSI way - if seeing a place quite far away, this person needs to go up to a higher place to watch. That's also I further wrote the poet "欲窮千里目,更上一層樓" (eager to watch thousand miles away, then walk up for one more floor). So it needs to be on the top of the building. So many hints were there.
However, I need to clap hands for those who are really in such a detective way. Man, I know you use Mac and the iPhoto08 has a very good de-noise and magnify function, though I don't use it (as I like to take photos as what it is (I don't crop either since that will train my photo skill), except for some extra dim photos which I will increase the exposure level on iPhoto - perfect program! Anyway, your guess is brilliant. Sorry my friends whom first viewed this blog and didn't browse the main title of this blog. However, please excuse me as I can't be that explicit "oh, please go browse Thailand Club blog which is for Gourmet....etc.".
You know I get addicted to go back home for watching how people guesses are and how they inter-react. This is good for training our brain! I'm so happy to see all those clever guesses though it's not the answer. Impressive!
Congratulations to all of us. Hurray everyone, good work. I have to compliment Man's logical thought. He is really the detective type.
In fact, I did not do much of the logic part at all. Also due to my limited time to review the 2 blogs in the past 2 nights, I did not study as detailed as I should. So I am just lucky. Hey I got lucky 2 times in a row. Shall I get a bigger prize??
Now, my turn, can you tell what did you say in the comment that lead me to this right answer? One guess per day. I give you(anyone can guess) till this Friday(LA time)to guess.
Prize: If anyone guess right, then my free meal for the salmon guess will be void. That means if not one guess this right, I shall have a free meal for guessing the salmon right.
Hint: The comment you made that lead me to this right answer was not mentioned in the past 3days.
I think I overlook the main point like in the Sea said - the blog's title..haha. Actually, it's the first time I jumped into this post and didn't notice it's a blog for eating. The name "the Garden" is also a good restaurant name. I guess Stella got it from my pointing out "the Garden".
It's very nice everyday we see the others' comments. Thank you all.
This is a fun blog. In fact, this is the first time I get to see blog, the very first time. These 2 are the only blogs I see so far.
I have to admire Man and Stella.
Man I admire you because you are logical and analytical like the CSI type.
Stella I admire you because you are not logical and analytical but you always guess right(just like the salmon thing too).
Oh, by the way, Anonymous
1234 AM, Stella does fall into your category. However, she is still a very kind hearted, sweet, consdierate, generous, cute(personality) and intelligent(only sometimes)lady. Her "Fa Lan Jar" is only occassional and for fun only.
Stella, do you know who I am? I will call you tomorrow at 6 pm at office.
Yes, this shall be called "The Garden-The Unseen Restaurant". I am impressed how Mr. Thai can know so many places in Bangkok. It is so unbelievable that Mr. Sea said he went there 50 times and yet there is new places for him to exlpore.
I would like to join the tour.
LA Chef
Correction on my previous comment.
I am only a cook at a fast food place. So please don't ask me to write any cooking steps or resume.
I am so scared that Mr Thai and Mr Sea know so much about eating and cooking. Glad that they are not in LA. Or else I will be out of job.
LA Cook
Yes, they are so knowledgable and they are real gourmets.
Our whole family are so impressed to know them and joined the eating tour.
We got addicted to Bangkok because of Mr Thai.
Haha... we go a big round. the answer made me look stupid but also happy. Wait for the next one.
LA Cook, fast food is not easy at all. Not many food can be cooked at home, esp. those deep fried food. I enjoy those fried rice done by fast food shop, as the stove in a fast food is much more powerful than the home kitchen's one. If your food is bad, then you would lose your job. However, you are still with your job. That means you are a good chef. At any time, there are many factors. So don't worry. Be happy. :)
Stella, anyway u can still claim ur salmon sashimi, but before 31/Dec/2008. Hehehe :)
Of course i know what lead u to the right guess. I will tell u after ur announce the answer, and c if i am right. Hehe :)
Hi ThaiClub,
Hey, you did not make the guess. Three guesses please. Unless you plan to forfeit your guess so that I can have a free salmon meal. Ha ha ha.
You ate at 4 pm. Did you mean this is a late lunch, high tea, or early dinner?
Man, you are right. One of the reasons I guessed there is restaurant here was because someone mentioned "Residence Suite", so I think of Service Apartment, so I think of there must be a restaurant inside the Servied Apartment, then I think of Thai's earlier hint from the beginning.
Good that you know the serviced apartment has a restaurant. For me I don't know that. In the Sea told me to try serviced apartment a long time ago. OK, I will try that next time.
u r encourage to try those good-value serviced apartments in Bangkok, namely Centre Points esp. the Grande Centre Point next to Four Seasosn Hotel Bangkok, Oakwood, Frasar's Suites, Adelphi Suites, Legacy Suites, ... but just not the Executive Residence in the picture
haha.. I sometimes thought about and kind of miss Centre Point Petchburi 15 - the first serviced apt. I tried, almost 10 years ago! Then the 2nd one is Evergreen. The 3rd one is Oakwood. However, location wise, I now prefer Adelphi since it's good for my business meeting along the Aoke area and yet lots of good restaurants around, from the nan, Landmark, now le Banyan on soi 8, then Korean restaurants on soi 12....etc.
many people complain that the lower Sukhumvit area (Soi 1 to Soi 21) is full of bars and naughty entertainment but lack of decent eateries. Is was true looking back many years ago, but thing changes. Now this area is the unseen gourmet belt, although those bars r still there.
Yes Man,
You shall try to stay at serviced apartment at least once. This is like having the best out of hotel with some home feel service and home amenities(kitchen). Check with Mr. Thai and Sea as they are experts of serviced apartments.
May be the subject one.
True! That Nana area used to be lots of pubs and bars, but now under our carpet search (not on bars and pubs), we did find out some nice restaurants., like finding a pearl from the sand.
Man your budget is above THB4,000, I suggest you try Grande Centre Point. Though I haven't tried this branch, I am confident of their quality and services.
Ok, I will try Serviced Apartment next time to go to Bangkok. I will try Centre Point too. The location is really good, next to sky train station. Thanks again.
and ask in-the-sea to cook the drunken chicken wing in ur apartment, there is cooking utensil in the unit
Maybe next time we can all stay together(like booking 2 bigger rooms next to each other) and we can have a "private cooking kitchen" from SEA.
Let us plan for that. It is fun. OK, how about X'Mas?
We can go to that new and big serviced apartment again(the one we stayed in April). For that one, maybe one big unit will do, we can do partition and I can sub lease to you guys. Only $70 US per night for one bed. For Sea it is free as he will cook drunken chicken and others from his blog. Ok, deal.
u so crazy
Count me in. I want to join.
hahaha, want to join? then surf this blog closely, more update coming (and also new pictures in older posts), check them out
Great idea! Do they have balcony in Centre Point? We can ask in the Sea for a BBQ like he did in his place. He told me he also had BBQ in Bangkok. So that must be a serviced apartment he made BBQ. In the Sea, what do you think?
Yes, I know who in the photo is in the Sea. Do I get the prize, haha? So easy to guess because only a few people in the photo. So this private restaurant is famous now, even radio talked about it.
BBQ in the balcony at Service Apartment, what a great idea. Please count me in. I would like to try Sea's BBQ.
Why don't we paln for a big party in BKK.
in-the-sea mentioned BBQ was bulgogi we enjoy at Arirang Korean restaurant actually, not in a hotel room's balcony
I wonder if they also serve fillet-o-fish on this roof top hideaway! Even not, I will count my visit there too.
Hi Fish Burger,
I don't think they serve Fish Burger in the roof top Garden. And if they do, it will be a over-priced fish burger.
Hi Mr. Thai,
I would like to try Arirang Korean BBQ next time and also the chicken soup that By-the-Sea recommended.
Stella, why u think it will be overpriced if the Garden offers a fish burger?
price and its worth reflect by quality, not only the price itself
to someone, the McDonald's burger is overpriced, but a $50 gourmet burger in Ritz Carlton is a bargain since the hotel's restaurant use wugu (和牛) and foiegras plus truffle sauce as ingredients
Yes, I did have BBQ at someone's apartment in BKK 2-3 times. We bought an electric grill machine and did that in a balcony. I made some chicken thighs with herbs, curry pork chops, black pepper beef fillet...etc. However, I didn't like it too much because it's electric grilled. I prefer charcoal grilled. So it would be a problem if we do it in a serviced apt. because it will make the room smell for a few days.
If there will be more than 5-6 people, we may consider to choose the apt. which offer a gas stove instead of those electricity sensor heater...etc.
due to condo code of property law in Thailand, condo (/apartments) is banned for using gas stove :(
Do they have the portable gas machine in Thailand, like the Chinese hot pot gas machine?
Man, yes Bangkok has those portable gas stove like the one we do the hot pot.
To me, if a burger costs over $15 US is considered over-priced. I don't care what meat it is made of.
For sure I have to visit this Garden Restaurant next time I am here.
US Thai
Oh I missed this fun guessing game. I shall have checked this blog more often.
Yes, we do have lots of roof top garden style cafe here in CA(LA and SF).
CA guy
I went to Cheesecake Factory for a Kobe beef burger and it costs $13 US. That is the most expensive burger I've ever had and that will be it. Although it is made of Kobe beef and it tastes good, I still think it is too costly for a burger.
yes anonymous 11:25 u miss some fun here during last week
so check this blog out as often as u brush ur teeth, a new guessing game will be held very soon
Most of the roof top garden style restaurant in SF is not cheap(average US$40 with no alcoholic drink) and the food is so so(just like over priced roasted chicken, overpriced pasta, etc). People go for the atmosphere. Most of them are young couples dating.
CA guy
This place is impressive. I would like to try after seeing all these attractive photos.
What a contrary to the appearance of the building.
200-lb guy
Yes when you go into the roof top from this rundown building you are thrilled to see that Garden Restaurant is so impressive and different.
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